Japanese Tattoo Designs - Japanese tattoo designs and other kinds of oriental tattoos are often popular in the west as well. Oriental tattoos are stylish and can represent something that no one else (unless they are oriental) may understand. Japanese tattoos make great tattoo ideas and can be very beautiful.
dragon tattoo flowering
There are many women who are also sporting this design - not just men who do it. The design is generally no different to that done by men. Looks ordinary dragon does not really look great on women.
Women have greater flexibility in design where it looks good. They can have it on the back side and reaching below the belt line, on the back, lower back, below the back of the neck and sides.
Horned Dragons are very powerful and can produce rain dragon tattoos to prove their interest and mystical power,Most dragon tattoos that you see around usually attempt to be oriental in some way. True, original oriental designs are usually highly intricate and done in black ink. This pays homage to the way that dragons were first drawn using a paint brush. The detail is usually also high and every single scale is drawn.